
Each year our owners are asked to nominate their favorite local non-profits to be recipients of the Give Where You Live register round-up donation. Qualified nominations will be put on an online ballot. Owner households may then vote for nominees November 11-22. Recipients for the following year will be announced through email and social media. Throughout the year, cashiers will ask shoppers if they would like to round up their transaction to the nearest dollar. All round-up proceeds go directly to that month’s non-profit recipient.

For organizations to qualify they must be:

  • A 501(c)(3) non-profit

  • Be nominated by an owner of PFC

  • Within 25 miles of either store

  • Be non-discriminatory and non-political

  • Have a mission and values aligned with PFC

  • Have valid contact information for the non-profit including the name of the primary contact

  • Willingness of the non-profit to participate by sharing on social media (when appropriate)